Star Wars Theme Party

With the recent release of Star Wars and the hug success that followed, we have noticed an increase in our Star Warrior theme package. We are SO excited to announce that we will now be offering the Star Wars birthday parties in shop (5560 Manotick Main). Contact us for your next party or event and let us bring the force to you!

darth vader character party ottawa character central starr warrior star wars barrhaven

star wars theme party ottawa super squad parties.jpg

Once Upon A Time… in a magical place called Ottawa

Fairy Godmother (me) and our gang of Ottawa Princess Dream Team

My daughter was turning 5. Ask anyone who knows her and they will all agree… she has (and probably always will be) an ancient soul. Barbie’s, baby dolls and imagination were really never her forte. So, imagine my shock when she declares, “Mom, I really, really, REALLY want the Little Mermaid to come to my birthday party!!!” The Little Mermaid… as in Princess Ariel? As a born Disney obsessor, 99% of me squealed like a school girl, while the other 1% was totally and utterly perplexed. My Hannah Montana, pop star-aholic, shoe collecting 4 year old wanted a princess party?! Was this the Twilight zone? After confirming several [hundred] times, that she did indeed desire a legit princess party, I began my search. Google failed me. I found nothing that lived up to my ridiculously high standards. After breaking the news to my newly Ariel-fascinated daughter, she sits (insert pouty face) on her bed in thought. “I am really sorry Boo. Maybe we can do Cosmic Adventures or something” I declare. A sly, methodical smile crosses over her face. “Well, YOU could just be the princess!” she half-screams. Her great scheme was for me to head to our local costume store and pick up some assemblance of a mermaid/princess costume and host the party myself. I had a good chuckle at the idea and promised her that I would think about it… as every red-blooded parent knows, that’s just another way of saying, “I’ll pretend to think it over, if it means you ll leave it alone and go to sleep.” After she fell asleep, I poured myself a fat glass of vino blanc and told my hubby about her idea. He laughed it off, and we sat down to watch some decent Sunday night T.V. However, I found myself drifting in thought. Why shouldn’t I do this? It could be good for a laugh of nothing else, right? So, fast forward to 16 hours later, and there I was Googling “Little Mermaid Adult costume.” Let’s just say the 2 words “mermaid” and “adult” should NEVER be searched together… That would be a whole different kind of “princess party.” Never-the-less, my once useless mad Googling skills came in handy and I was able to put something together. The day of the party, I was in all my glory. Adorned in a ridiculous strawberry blonde wig (the eBay store showed a MUCH different pic!) and some terrible one-piece mermaid dress [thing] from the Disney store, I felt strangely at home. As each guest filtered in, I channelled my inner Giselle… from my all time fav Disney movie Enchanted, and can comfortably say I totally rocked it. During the event, a couple of the parents in attendance asked if I did this full time. As any honest to goodness person would do in such a moment… a white lie flowed effortlessly out of my mermaid mouth, “I do!” After they asked for business cards, a url address and email, I realized that I might just have something here.
At the time, I was working as a bartender and free-lance makeup artist in Ottawa. I had 2 young children and being away from them until the wee hours of the morning was slowly killing my soul. The idea of being a “full-time princess” was certainly appealing. But how? Was this a legit option? Would people actually be crazy enough to pay ME to live out my dreams of portraying the characters who so shaped and inspired me? Long, long story short, yes… yes they were! In only a few months time, the company was getting so many requests that I had to hire on another cast member. Within 2 years time, we went from 1-2 parties a month, to a whopping 80 plus! Official Princess Parties also took on a sister company, Official Superhero Parties. Here we are, 4 and half years later and things are great! We typically complete more than 120 parties and events each month. Although I no longer get to go out and “princess” (as we call it around the office), I still get to vicariously live through our dream team cast members, with videos and pics our Ottawa clients send us. This truly is the most magical and challenging job, but I truly love it and wouldn’t change it for the world.